Cosmetic & Plastic Surgery Blog

Jan 26

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On Thursday, we had a previous breast augmentation patient in our office. With the cold weather upon us, she was planning a trip down south. She was concerned about flying and scuba diving with breast implants. We explained to her that many women scuba dive and fly in airplanes with breast implants. There may be a slight expansion and contraction of the shell with changes in pressure. With gel implants, as with saline implants, you may feel or hear fluid sounds (gurgling). This should correct itself within 24-48 hours.


Jan 20

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Breast Implant surfaces

We had a patient in our office for a consultation on Thursday who wished to obtain more information about breast implant surfaces. We explained that breast implant shells have a smooth or textured surface. Textured breast implants were originally designed to help reduce the chance of capsular contracture, which is the formation of scar tissue around the implant. However, clinical studies involving large numbers of women using Mentor implants show no difference in the liklihood of developing capsular contracture with textured implants compared to smooth surfaced implants. Also, textured implants may be more palpable (more…

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Jan 10

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Incisions and Breast Augmentation...

To permit the smallest possible incision, breast implants are typically inserted empty and then filled with saline. You may discuss with Dr. Niessen the pros and cons for the specific incision site recommended for you. There are two common incision sites: around the nipple (periareolar) and within the breast fold (inframammary). When having periareolar breast augmentation, the incision is most concealed, but it is associated with a higher inability to successfully breast-feed, as compared to an inframammary incision. When having breast augmentation with an inframammary incision, it is less concealed, but will cause less…

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Jan 5

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