Dr. Niessen asks that women wait 2 months before wearing an under wire bra, after having had either breast implant or breast lift surgery. Your body is forming scar tissue around the breast implant for this period. During this time, the pressure from the under wire bra could cause irritation to your incision, and we suggest women wear a sports bra during their recovery time.
We offer breast implants that are manufactured by Mentor Canada. Your decision to use Mentor breast implants for your breast augmentation is a personal, long-term decision. Because breast implants may not last your entire lifetime, Mentor supports your decision by strongly standing behind their Lifetime Product Replacement Policy. Should you have a problem with your breast implant, Mentor will replace it free of charge.
With injection lipolysis or Lipodissolves increasing popularity, we have many patients calling the office wishing to know what areas can be treated with Lipolysis. We tell them we are able to treat: Face: double chins and jowls Body: saddlebags, inner thighs, lower buttocks, love handles, hips, upper and lower abdomen, upper arms, knees. Cellulite: Yes, it is also used to treat cellulite! Meet with Dr. Niessen to see if Lipodissove is right for you.
Smoking causes the blood vessels to constrict, reducing the blood supply and the oxygen carried by the blood to the surgical area. The tissues need this blood supply and the oxygen that the blood carries in order to heal. When the blood supply is reduced the tissues heal more slowly. Whether you are having a breast augmentation, a mastopexy, an abdominoplasty or another procedure, you should plan to quit six weeks prior to your surgery.