Cosmetic & Plastic Surgery Blog

Apr 22

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 When PPC is injected into fat cells, it has a detergent like effect and causes fat cells to rupture and then dissolve. The liver then breaks down this fat and it is excreted by the body. These fat dissolving injections also cause tightening of the skin in the treatment areas. This is an advantage of the technique over liposuction in certain areas. Areas which can be treated by injection lipolysis are: abdomen, back fat rolls, love handles, thighs, knees, neck arms and face.


Apr 22

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How does Lipodissolve work?

 The PPC used for fat dissolving injections is harvested from the soy plant. PPC has been used in other fields of medicine, usually intravenously, for treating fat embolism in the lungs, for lowering cholesterol levels and as a liver protective substance. PPC injected into fat deposits has a detergent like effect, causing fat cells to rupture and dissolve. Fat released by the cell is metabolized by the liver and excreted by the body.  Is Lipodissolve right for you?

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