Subglandular placement may make your surgery and recovery shorter, may be less painful, and may be easier to access for reoperation compared to submuscular placement. However, subglandular placement may result in more palpable implants (more likely to “feel” the implants through the breast), more capsular contracture and more difficult imaging of the breast with mammography.
We receive many questions about placement of breast implants from our patients. When a patient has breast augmentation surgery, the breast implant can either be placed partially under the pectoralis major muscle (submuscular) or on top of the muscle and under the breast gland (subglandular). See if breast augmentation surgery is right for you.
With summer here, many women want to know if they can tan if they have had breast augmentation surgery. Tanning at salons or sunbathing will not hurt your breast implant, but it may make your scars unfavourable. You should cover your scars with sunscreen should you choose to tan, until your scars have healed.
By inserting an implant behind each breast, Dr. Niessen is able to increase a woman’s bust line by one or more cup sizes. Breast enhancement is usually done to enhance the body contour of a woman who, for personal reasons, feels her breast size is too small, to balance a difference in breast size or to fill in breast volume loss due to pregnancy or breast-feeding.
Financing your surgery offers a simple and affordable way to pay for your plastic surgery needs, and allows you to immediately acquire the care you desire. It offers an ideal alternative to writing a cheque. Both companies provide innovative financial services that allow patients the freedom to focus on the treatment, not the payment. For your convenience, Dr. Niessen offers patient financing with two companies. We have financing available through Medicard and Credit Medical! For further information please feel free to call: Medicard – 1-888-689-9876 or Credit Medical – 1-800-270-9290 or
By inserting an implant behind each breast, Dr. Niessen is able to increase a woman’s bust line by one or more cup sizes. Breast enhancement is usually done to enhance the body contour of a woman who, for personal reasons, feels her breast size is too small, to balance a difference in breast size or to fill in breast volume loss due to pregnancy or breast-feeding.
Silicone gel implants are made of a gel filler that acts as a solid unit rather than a liquid. The gel holds together uniformly, while retaining the natural “give” that resembles actual breast tissue. Gel-filled breast implants use gel that is cohesive, safe and aesthetically pleasing. Silicone Gel-Filled Implants are offered in either a round style gel implant or a contour (anatomic) shaped gel implant. See if silicone breast implants are right for you!
We receive many questions about placement of breast implants from our patients. When a patient has breast augmentation surgery, the breast implant can either be placed partially under the pectoralis major muscle (submuscular) or on top of the muscle and under the breast gland (subglandular). Let Dr. Niessen help you decide which placement would be best for you.
Many women with breast implants have successfully breast fed their babies. A peri-areolar incision is more likely to affect this ability. Some women experience mastitis, inflammation of the breast ducts, during this time, which can also cause capsular contracture. Taking antibiotics when symptoms first appear may minimize the potential of this problem.
Dr. Niessen asks that women wait 2 months before wearing an under wire bra, after having had either breast implant or breast lift surgery. Your body is forming scar tissue around the breast implant for this period. During this time, the pressure from the under wire bra could cause irritation to your incision, and we suggest women wear a sports bra during their recovery time.
We offer breast implants that are manufactured by Mentor Canada. Your decision to use Mentor breast implants for your breast augmentation is a personal, long-term decision. Because breast implants may not last your entire lifetime, Mentor supports your decision by strongly standing behind their Lifetime Product Replacement Policy. Should you have a problem with your breast implant, Mentor will replace it free of charge.
Smoking causes the blood vessels to constrict, reducing the blood supply and the oxygen carried by the blood to the surgical area. The tissues need this blood supply and the oxygen that the blood carries in order to heal. When the blood supply is reduced the tissues heal more slowly. Whether you are having a breast augmentation, a mastopexy, an abdominoplasty or another procedure, you should plan to quit six weeks prior to your surgery.
Can I go to the tanning salon or sunbathe if I have implants? Tanning at salons or sun bathing will not hurt your breast implant, but it may make your scars unfavourable. You should cover your scars with sunscreen, should you choose to tan, until your scars have faded.
We recently received an e-mail from a patient who had a latex allergy, and wished to have breast augmentation surgery. She was concerned the breast implants were made of latex. I explained to her breast implants are made of a round or contour shaped silicone elastomer (rubber) shell. She was relieved to hear the surgery would be a safe procedure for her.
You will likely feel tired and sore for a few days after breast augmentation surgery. You will, however, be up and around the same day. Any discomfort you have will be controlled by medication prescribed by Dr. Niessen. At your first post-op visit, your bandages will be removed and you may wear a bra. Sutures will be removed in 7-10 days after the surgery. It may take two weeks for the swelling in your breasts to disappear. Initially, your scars may be pink and firm. They usually soften and fade and become less conspicuous. Speak…