Cosmetic & Plastic Surgery Blog

Jul 18

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The breast consists of milk ducts and glands, surrounded by fatty tissue that provides its shape and fee. Situated beneath the breast is the pectoralis major muscle, a large muscle that assists in chest movement, and where a breast implant is placed when having submuscular breast augmentation. Factors such as pregnancy, rapid weight loss and the effects of gravity as you age, combine to stretch the skin, which may cause the breast to droop or sag. Some women also have a variation in size or shape from the right to left breast, which is called asymmetry. Having either breast augmentation or a breast lift may help with this.


Jun 30

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What is a breast implant?

All breast implants are made of a round or shaped silicone elastomer or rubber shell. When having breast augmentation with saline breast implants, a saline solution is used to fill the breast implant. Saline solution is used as it is similar to the fluid in our body, and would simply be absorbed by your body should the breast implant leak or break.

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Jun 21

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How is breast implant size determined?

Breast augmentation offers a unique opportunity to “customize” the shape of the breast rather than just bra size. You may want to wear an outfit that reveals more cleavage, change your wardrobe, or create the proper balance between your breasts and your hips. Generally speaking, the larger you want your cup size, the larger the breast implant Dr. Niessen and you will consider.

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Jun 7

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Should I be at my ideal weight before I...

You should be close to your ideal weight. A significant loss of weight after having breast augmentation surgery could alter your results in a manner that is unpleasing to you. If you were to lose a significant amount of weight, there could be some ptosis or droopiness and a reduction in breast size. A significant gain in weight could cause an increase in breast size.

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Jun 3

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Can I still breast-feed after Breast...

Many women with breast implants have successfully breast fed their babies. A peri-areolar incision is more likely to affect this ability. Some women experience mastitis, inflammation of the breast ducts, during this time, which can also cause capsular contracture. Taking antibiotics when symptoms first appear may minimize the potential of this problem.

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May 27

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Can I go Tanning if I have Breast...

With summer approaching, many women want to know if they can tan if they have had breast augmentation surgery. Tanning at salons or sunbathing will not hurt your breast implant, but it may make your scars unfavourable. You should cover your scars with sunscreen should you choose to tan, until your scars have faded.

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May 17

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How do you decide on placement of...

Your breast implants may be placed either partially under the pectoralis major muscle (submuscular) or on top of the muscle and directly beneath the breast (subglandular). When breast implants are placed subglandularly, it can make your breast augmentation surgery shorter and reduce the recovery time. Possible disadvantages could be having your implant edges more visibly noticeable under your skin. Also, imaging during mammography may be more difficult when your breast implants are placed subglandularly. Placing breast implants submuscularly may provide you with a more youthful-looking breast for a longer time, may reduce the chances of…

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Apr 13

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Our office is often asked if we provide financing for cosmetic procedures. Financing your surgery offers a simple and affordable way to pay for your plastic surgery procedures. It offers an ideal alternative to writing a cheque. We have financing available with two companies. Both companies provide innovative financial services that allow patients to focus on the treatment, not the payment. We have financing available with Credit Medical. Their contact information is 1-800-270-9290 and their website is We also have financing available with Medicard. Their contact information is 1-888-689-9876 and their website…

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Apr 6

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When can I wear an under wire bra again?

Dr. Niessen asks that women wait 2 months before wearing under wire bras, after having had breast implant surgery. Your body is forming scar tissue around the breast implant for this period. During this time, the pressure from the under wire bra could cause irritation to your incison, and we suggest women wear a sports bra or a similar supportive bra. After this initial healing time, under wire bras may be worn.

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Mar 13

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Pre and Post-op Breast Augmentation...

This is a photo of one of Dr. Niessen’s patients who had submuscular breast augmentation surgery with silicone gel implants. She couldn’t be happier with the appearance of her breasts!

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Mar 2

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Pre and Post-op Breast Augmentation...

?This is a photo of a patient of Dr. Niessen’s who had breast augmentation surgery, with smooth round saline-filled breast implants. She couldn’t be happier!

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Feb 21

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Pre and Post-op Breast Augmentation...

Pre and Post-op photos of a patient who had breast augmentation surgery. She had a peri-areolar incision and her breasts were augmented with Cohesive Silicone Gel Implants. She is thrilled with her result!

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Jan 26

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Can I fly or scuba dive with breast...

On Thursday, we had a previous breast augmentation patient in our office. With the cold weather upon us, she was planning a trip down south. She was concerned about flying and scuba diving with breast implants. We explained to her that many women scuba dive and fly in airplanes with breast implants. There may be a slight expansion and contraction of the shell with changes in pressure. With gel implants, as with saline implants, you may feel or hear fluid sounds (gurgling). This should correct itself within 24-48 hours.

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Jan 20

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Breast Implant surfaces

We had a patient in our office for a consultation on Thursday who wished to obtain more information about breast implant surfaces. We explained that breast implant shells have a smooth or textured surface. Textured breast implants were originally designed to help reduce the chance of capsular contracture, which is the formation of scar tissue around the implant. However, clinical studies involving large numbers of women using Mentor implants show no difference in the liklihood of developing capsular contracture with textured implants compared to smooth surfaced implants. Also, textured implants may be more palpable (more…

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Jan 10

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Incisions and Breast Augmentation...

To permit the smallest possible incision, breast implants are typically inserted empty and then filled with saline. You may discuss with Dr. Niessen the pros and cons for the specific incision site recommended for you. There are two common incision sites: around the nipple (periareolar) and within the breast fold (inframammary). When having periareolar breast augmentation, the incision is most concealed, but it is associated with a higher inability to successfully breast-feed, as compared to an inframammary incision. When having breast augmentation with an inframammary incision, it is less concealed, but will cause less…

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