Cosmetic & Plastic Surgery Blog

Oct 28

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Liposuction slims and reshapes specific areas of the body by removing excess fat deposits, improving your body contours and proportion, and ultimately enhancing your self-image. These techniques may be used to reduce localized fat deposits of the: Thighs Hips and buttocks Abdomen and waist Upper arms Back Inner Knee Chest area Cheeks, chin, and neck Calves and ankles Swelling will subside, and  bruising will fade. Is Liposuction right for you?


Sep 28

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Despite good health and a reasonable level of exercise, some people may still have a body with disproportionate contours due to localized fat deposits. These areas may be due to family traits rather than a lack of weight control or fitness. Liposuction slims and reshapes specific areas of the body by removing excess fat deposits, improving your body contours and proportion, and ultimately enhancing your self-image. Meet with Dr. Niessen and see if liposuction would be an option for you.

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Jul 12

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The Beauty of Lipodissolve!

With injection lipolysis or Lipodissolves increasing popularity, we have many patients calling the office wishing to know which areas can be treated with Lipodissolve. We tell them we are able to treat: Face:  double chins and jowls Body: saddlebags, inner thighs, lower buttocks, love handles, hips, upper and lower abdomen, upper arms, knees. Cellulite: Yes, it is also used to treat cellulite! Speak with Dr. Niessen to see if Lipodissolve is right for you.

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Jun 20

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Injection Lipolysis or Lipodissolve is a safe, effective and non-invasive treatment for stubborn fat deposits that are resistant to diet and exercise.  Phosphatidylcholine (PPC) is a naturally occurring chemical derived from the soy plant.  It is also known as lechithin.  Injected into fat deposits, it causes fat cells to burst and this fat is transported to the liver where it is processed and removed by the body.

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Apr 20

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Lipodissolve and Weight Reduction

Lipolysis injections or Lipodissolve must not be regarded as a new miracle drug for weight reduction. When it comes to fat deposits which can not be eliminated by diet or exercise, Lipodissolve initiates a process during which fat is melted away and then eliminated from the body via the usual metabolic process. See if Lipodissolve is right for you.

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Mar 3

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With injection lipolysis or Lipodissolves increasing popularity, we have many patients calling the office wishing to know which areas can be treated with Lipolysis. We tell them we are able to treat: Face: double chins and jowls Body: saddlebags, inner thighs, lower buttocks, love handles, hips, upper and lower abdomen, upper arms, knees. Cellulite: Yes, it is also used to treat cellulite! Speak with Dr. Niessen to see if Lipodissolve would be right for you.

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Nov 16

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How does Lipodissolve work?

Tomorrow we are offering Lipodissolve to our eager patients. One of the most common questions we get asked us “Just how does Lipodissolve work?” We explain that when a substance called Phosphatidylcholine or PPC is injected into fat cells, it has a detergent like effect and causes fat cells to rupture and then dissolve. The liver then breaks down this fat and it is excreted by the body. These fat dissolving injections also cause tightening of the skin in the treatment areas. This is an advantage of the technique over liposuction in certain areas. Areas…

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Sep 30

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How does Lipodissolve work?

On Monday, we offered Lipodissolve or Injection Lipolysis to our eager patients. Many ask how Lipodissolve works. We explain Lipodissolve melts superfluous fat away by means of an injection. During the procedure, the substance phosphatidylcholine or PPC is directly injected into undesired fat deposits. The active substance is a natural compound made from soybean. The body itself makes PPC in the same composition for various functions, especially in those related to fat metabolism.

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Apr 13

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Our office is often asked if we provide financing for cosmetic procedures. Financing your surgery offers a simple and affordable way to pay for your plastic surgery procedures. It offers an ideal alternative to writing a cheque. We have financing available with two companies. Both companies provide innovative financial services that allow patients to focus on the treatment, not the payment. We have financing available with Credit Medical. Their contact information is 1-800-270-9290 and their website is We also have financing available with Medicard. Their contact information is 1-888-689-9876 and their website…

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Mar 30

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Weight Reduction and Lipodissolve

I had a patient contact me this week who was interested in losing a large amount of weight with the help of Lipodissolve. I explained to her that lipolysis injections must not be regarded as a new miracle drug for weight reduction. For fat deposits which can not be eliminated by nutritional therapy or exercise, Lipodisolve can initiate a process during which fat is melted away and then eliminated from the body through the usual metabolic process. The lipolysis solution is directly injected into the area concerned. The fat cells start to melt,…

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Mar 21

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The miracle that is Lipodissolve!

I reported back in December of 2007 that Dr. Niessen had begun treating patients with injection lipolysis or Lipodissolve. The response has been incredible! We have patients calling the office asking how it works, and which areas can be treated. We direct them to our website at Our website describes in detail how injection lipolysis works, and the many, many applications for its use. Lipodissolve works beautifully on the face, jowls, saddlebags, inner thighs, upper and lower buttocks, hips, upper and lower belly, those nasty fat deposits at the shoulder-arm joint, upper arms,…

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Feb 14

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Lipodissolve Update

On Monday, our Lipodissolve patients from December 6th, 2007 came back to the office. They were all thrilled with their results! All patients noticed a dramatic improvement at the 6 week mark. Two patients, one having Lipodissolve of the abdominal area and one the neck area, decided to be re-treated. Again, they both described a tingling feeling and some swelling, but were quite comfortable during the procedure. I will keep you posted.

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Dec 31

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Update on Lipodissolve patients

You may remember that three weeks ago Dr. Niessen treated three patients with lipolysis injections. I contacted all three patients, who were already thrilled with their results! Upon initial Lipodissolve treatment, they all described a stinging sensation that quickly subsided, and some swelling. In all three patients, the swelling has resolved and they all notice a definite improvement. Their skin appears to have smoothed, as the fat-melting injections worked. In one patient who had Lipodissolve to her abdominal area, she has noticed a 2 inch reduction in her abdominal cirfumference, and it is only going…

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Dec 8

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On Thursday, our first injection lipolysis patients were treated  at our office. They described a temporary tingling sensation and only minimal discomfort.  They were told results typically appear in 4-6 weeks and any other treatments, if necessary, are given at 8 weeks. Stay tuned as we tell you more about this revolutionary new fat melting treatment!

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Dec 2

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Areas that can be treated with...

With injection lipolysis or Lipodissolves increasing popularity, we have many patients calling the office wishing to know what areas can be treated with Lipolysis. We tell them we are able to treat:  Face:   double chins and jowls Body: saddlebags, inner thighs, lower buttocks, love handles, hips, upper and lower abdomen, upper arms, knees. Cellulite: Yes, it is also used to treat cellulite!  Call the office to meet with Dr. Niessen to learn if  Lipodissolve is right for you.

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Nov 24

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Injection lipolysis or Lipodissolve

Many women come into our office with concerns about cellulite on their legs, or fat deposits which they cannot get rid of, no matter how much weight they lose. They may have previously tried over the counter products, which have left them feeling dissappointed. A very exciting procedure has hit the market! It’s called injection lipolysis or Lipodissolve. (more…)

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