Cosmetic & Plastic Surgery Blog

Placement of Implants

May 26
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During breast augmentation, implants will either be placed under the chest wall (submuscular) or on top of the muscle and under the breast gland (subglandular). Submuscular placement may provide you with youthful-looking breasts for a longer time, may reduce the chances of your implants being felt through your skin, and it may help reduce the chance of scar tissue hardening around your implants (capsular contracture). It will also make it easier to image your breast during a mammogram. Meet with Dr. Niessen to discuss which placement would be best for you.

May 2
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Financing your surgery

Financing your surgery offers a simple and affordable way to pay for your plastic surgery needs, and allows you to immediately acquire the care you desire. It offers an ideal alternative to writing a cheque. Both companies provide innovative financial services that allow patients the freedom to focus on the treatment, not the payment. For your convenience, Dr. Niessen offers patient financing with two companies. Medicard – 1-888-689-9876 or Credit Medical – 1-800-270-9290 or Finance your abdominoplasty, facelift, breast lift and breast augmentation surgery.

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Apr 11
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Mentor's Lifetime Replacement...

We offer breast implants that are manufactured by Mentor Canada. Your decision to use Mentor breast implants for your breast augmentation is a personal, long-term decision. Because breast implants may not last your entire lifetime, Mentor supports your decision by strongly standing behind their Lifetime Replacement Policy. Should you have a problem with your breast implant, Mentor will replace it free of charge.

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Mar 14
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Tanning after Breast Augmentation

Can I go to the tanning salon or sunbathe if I have implants? Tanning at salons or sun bathing will not hurt your breast implant, but it may make your scars unfavourable. You should cover your scars with sunscreen, should you choose to tan, until your scars have faded.

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Mar 9
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Are you ready for your bathing suit?

With March Break quickly approaching, there will be lots of trips down south. This means bathing suits. Are you ready for your bathing suit? Liposuction slims and reshapes specific areas of the body by removing excess fat deposits, improving your body contours and proportion, and ultimately enhancing your self-image. These techniques may be used to reduce localized fat deposits of the: Thighs Hips and buttocks Abdomen and waist Upper arms Back Inner Knee Chest area Cheeks, chin, and neck Calves and ankles Swelling should subside, bruising should fade and initial results may appear in 2-4…

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Feb 19
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We are moving!

This blog is to inform our patients that we are moving on March 1st to 2224 Walker Road, Suite 202. Our telephone and fax numbers remain the same. See you there!

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Feb 2
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Do you need a Facelift?

Technically known as a rhytidectomy, a facelift is a surgical procedure to improve visible signs of aging in the face and neck, such as: Sagging in the midface Deep creases below the lower eyelids Deep creases between the nose and mouth Fat that has fallen or is displaced Loss of muscle tone in the lower face that may create jowls Loose skin and excess fatty deposits under the chin and jaw A facelift is designed to correct these aging features, restoring a more youthful, rested appearance with uplifted contours and improved tone in facial skin…

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Jan 10
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How does Lipodissolve work?

The active agent which is injected is called phosphatidylcholine (PPC). PPC is produced naturally by the body. It is a component of all the cells in the body and is highly concentrated in liver cells, fat cells and the covering of nerve cells. The PPC used for fat dissolving injections is harvested from the soy plant. PPC injected into fat deposits has a detergent like effect, causing fat cells to rupture and dissolve. Fat released by the cell is metabolized by the liver and excreted by the body. There is also tightening of the skin…

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Nov 21
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Your recovery after Breast Lift and...

The initial 24 to 48 hours after your breast lift or tummy tuck surgery is when you will feel the majority of pain and discomfort. You will experience swelling and tenderness during your recovery period. After about a week of healing you should be able to resume light activities.

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Oct 6
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Subglandular Breast Augmentation

Subglandular placement may make your surgery and recovery shorter, may be less painful, and may be easier to access for reoperation compared to submuscular placement. However, subglandular placement may result in more palpable implants (more likely to “feel” the implants through the breast), more capsular contracture and more difficult imaging of the breast with mammography.

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Sep 8
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Origin of Lipodissolve

In 1995, Dr. Patricia Rittes, a dermatologist in Brazil, began treating patients with injections to dissolve stubborn fat deposits beneath the skin. In 2001 she published her first scientific paper detailing her management of bulging fat deposits beneath the eyes. In 2003, Dr. Franz Hasengschwandtner, an Austrian physician specializing in diet and nutritional medicine, began similar treatments but with a wider range of applications and formed Network-lipolysis. This network of physicians was taught his techniques and developed a standardized drug for injection and a standardized protocol to use the drug for fat deposits all over…

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Aug 24
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Placement of Breast Implants

We receive many questions about placement of breast implants from our patients. When a patient has breast augmentation surgery, the breast implant can either be placed partially under the pectoralis major muscle (submuscular) or on top of the muscle and under the breast gland (subglandular). See if breast augmentation surgery is right for you.

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Aug 12
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Tanning after Breast Augmentation...

With summer here, many women want to know if they can tan if they have had breast augmentation surgery.  Tanning at salons or sunbathing will not hurt your breast implant, but it may make your scars unfavourable.  You should cover your scars with sunscreen should you choose to tan, until your scars have healed.

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Aug 1
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Considering Breast Augmentation?

By inserting an implant behind each breast, Dr. Niessen is able to increase a woman’s bust line by one or more cup sizes. Breast enhancement is usually done to enhance the body contour of a woman who, for personal reasons, feels her breast size is too small, to balance a difference in breast size or to fill in breast volume loss due to pregnancy or breast-feeding.

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Jul 23
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Is Lipodissolve right for you?

Injection lipolysis offers a new, safe and non invasive treatment for fat deposits all over the body. It can be used to address problem localized fat deposits that are resistant to diet and exercise. It is especially attractive to patients who are reluctant to have liposuction.

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Jul 7
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Is Tummy Tuck surgery right for you?

In planning for tummy tuck surgery, smokers should plan to quit four weeks prior to surgery and not resume for four weeks after surgery. It is important to avoid exposure to the sun before your surgery, especially to your abdomen. Also, do not go on a stringent diet prior to surgery, as both these factors may inhibit your ability to heal.

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