Jan 27
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Every woman is an individual, and therefore has different results whether before a pregnancy or after. Your breasts will enlarge and will go through all the usual changes associated with pregnancy. The amount of enlargement will vary from woman to woman, and the size of the implants will factor into this as well.

Jan 18
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Pre and Post-op Breast Augmentation...

This patient had submuscular breast augmentation with 400cc silicone cohesive 1 gel breast implants.

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Jan 12
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Are breast implants guaranteed?

We offer breast implants that are manufactured by Mentor Canada. Your decision to use Mentor breast implants for your breast augmentation is a personal, long-term decision. Because breast implants may not last your entire lifetime, Mentor supports your decision by strongly standing behind their Lifetime Product Replacement Policy. Should you have a problem with an implant, Mentor will replace your breast implants for you free of charge.

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Jan 4
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What effects does smoking have on the...

Smoking causes the blood vessels to constrict, reducing the blood supply and the oxygen carried by the blood to the surgical area. The tissues need this blood supply and the oxygen that the blood carries in order to heal. When the blood supply is reduced the tissues heal more slowly. Whether you are having a breast augmentation, a mastopexy, an abdominoplasty or another procedure, you should plan to quit six weeks prior to your surgery.

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Dec 22
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Can I sunbathe if I have breast...

With many patients wishing to go south for the holidays, we are often asked if they can sunbathe if they have had breast augmentation surgery. Tanning salons or sunbathing will not hurt your breast implant, but it may make your scars worse. You should avoid sun exposure or wear sunscreen over your incisions. This is the best way to ensure an optimal scar.

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Dec 11
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Placement of Breast Implants

During breast augmentation surgery, the breast implants will either be placed under the chest muscle (submuscular), or on top of the muscle and under the breast gland (subglandular). Submuscular placement of breast implants may reduce the chances of your implants being felt through the skin, and help reduce the chance of scar tissue hardening around your implants. It will also make it easier to image your breast during a mammogram. However, this placement choice may mean a longer surgery and recovery time. Having subglandular breast augmentation may make your surgery shorter and reduce your recovery…

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Nov 16
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How does Lipodissolve work?

Tomorrow we are offering Lipodissolve to our eager patients. One of the most common questions we get asked us “Just how does Lipodissolve work?” We explain that when a substance called Phosphatidylcholine or PPC is injected into fat cells, it has a detergent like effect and causes fat cells to rupture and then dissolve. The liver then breaks down this fat and it is excreted by the body. These fat dissolving injections also cause tightening of the skin in the treatment areas. This is an advantage of the technique over liposuction in certain areas. Areas…

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Nov 4
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Pre and Post-op Breast Augmentation...

This patient had subglandular breast augmentation with 650cc silicone gel implants, with an inframammary incision.

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Oct 27
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Breast Implant Shapes

Depending on the breast shape you hope to achieve, you and Dr. Niessen may choose either a round or contoured breast implant. Contoured implants have a teardrop shape and can provide patients with a more natural-looking breast.A Mentor breast implants have varying degrees of projection: moderate, moderate plus and high. High profile breast implants are an excellent choice for women who desire greater projection and have a narrow chest wall. A Let Dr. Niessen help you decide which breast implant would be best for you.

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Oct 9
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Pre and Post-op Breast Augmentation...

This patient had submuscular breast augmentation with 325cc silicone gel implants, with an inframammary incision.

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Sep 30
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How does Lipodissolve work?

On Monday, we offered Lipodissolve or Injection Lipolysis to our eager patients. Many ask how Lipodissolve works. We explain Lipodissolve melts superfluous fat away by means of an injection. During the procedure, the substance phosphatidylcholine or PPC is directly injected into undesired fat deposits. The active substance is a natural compound made from soybean. The body itself makes PPC in the same composition for various functions, especially in those related to fat metabolism.

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Sep 22
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Pre and Post-op Breast Augmentation...

This is a patient of Dr. Niessen’s who had breast augmentation with 450cc silicone cohesive 1 breast implants.

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Sep 10
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Pre and Post-op Breast Augmentation...

This is a photo of a patient of Dr. Niessen’s who had submuscular breast augmentation with 275cc saline implants.

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Aug 28
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Pre and Post-op Breast Augmentation...

This patient had submuscular breast augmentation with saline implants.

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Aug 17
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Pre and Post-op Breast Augmentation...

This patient had breast augmentation with 275cc saline implants with a peri-areolar incision.

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Aug 9
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Pre and Post-op Breast Augmentation...

This patient had submuscular breast augmentation with 275cc saline-filled breast implants.

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