Pre and Post-op photos of a patient who had breast augmentation surgery. She had a peri-areolar incision and her breasts were augmented with Cohesive Silicone Gel Implants. She is thrilled with her result!
On Monday, our Lipodissolve patients from December 6th, 2007 came back to the office. They were all thrilled with their results! All patients noticed a dramatic improvement at the 6 week mark. Two patients, one having Lipodissolve of the abdominal area and one the neck area, decided to be re-treated. Again, they both described a tingling feeling and some swelling, but were quite comfortable during the procedure. I will keep you posted.
On Thursday, we had a previous breast augmentation patient in our office. With the cold weather upon us, she was planning a trip down south. She was concerned about flying and scuba diving with breast implants. We explained to her that many women scuba dive and fly in airplanes with breast implants. There may be a slight expansion and contraction of the shell with changes in pressure. With gel implants, as with saline implants, you may feel or hear fluid sounds (gurgling). This should correct itself within 24-48 hours.
We had a patient in our office for a consultation on Thursday who wished to obtain more information about breast implant surfaces. We explained that breast implant shells have a smooth or textured surface. Textured breast implants were originally designed to help reduce the chance of capsular contracture, which is the formation of scar tissue around the implant. However, clinical studies involving large numbers of women using Mentor implants show no difference in the liklihood of developing capsular contracture with textured implants compared to smooth surfaced implants. Also, textured implants may be more palpable (more…
To permit the smallest possible incision, breast implants are typically inserted empty and then filled with saline. You may discuss with Dr. Niessen the pros and cons for the specific incision site recommended for you. There are two common incision sites: around the nipple (periareolar) and within the breast fold (inframammary). When having periareolar breast augmentation, the incision is most concealed, but it is associated with a higher inability to successfully breast-feed, as compared to an inframammary incision. When having breast augmentation with an inframammary incision, it is less concealed, but will cause less…
You may remember that three weeks ago Dr. Niessen treated three patients with lipolysis injections. I contacted all three patients, who were already thrilled with their results! Upon initial Lipodissolve treatment, they all described a stinging sensation that quickly subsided, and some swelling. In all three patients, the swelling has resolved and they all notice a definite improvement. Their skin appears to have smoothed, as the fat-melting injections worked. In one patient who had Lipodissolve to her abdominal area, she has noticed a 2 inch reduction in her abdominal cirfumference, and it is only going…
We have many patients in our office who are considering breast augmentation surgery, but are concerned about recovery time. We tell them that they will probably feel somewhat tired and sore for several days following breast implant surgery, and their breasts may remain swollen and sensetive to physical contact for 2-3 weeks. However, in almost all cases, I explain they will be up and moving around the same day. You should be able to go back to work in a few days, depending on the level of activity required for your job.
The breast consists of milk ducts and glands, surrounded by fatty tissue that provides its shape and feel. Situated beneath the breast is the pectoralis major muscle or chest wall. Factors such as pregnancy (when milk glands are temporarily enlarged), rapid weight loss, and the effects of gravity as a woman ages combine to stretch the skin, which may cause the breast to droop or sag. Unhappy with their appearence, they want to learn more about mastopexy or breast lift surgery.
On Thursday, our first injection lipolysis patients were treated at our office. They described a temporary tingling sensation and only minimal discomfort. They were told results typically appear in 4-6 weeks and any other treatments, if necessary, are given at 8 weeks. Stay tuned as we tell you more about this revolutionary new fat melting treatment!
With injection lipolysis or Lipodissolves increasing popularity, we have many patients calling the office wishing to know what areas can be treated with Lipolysis. We tell them we are able to treat: Face: double chins and jowls Body: saddlebags, inner thighs, lower buttocks, love handles, hips, upper and lower abdomen, upper arms, knees. Cellulite: Yes, it is also used to treat cellulite! Call the office to meet with Dr. Niessen to learn if Lipodissolve is right for you.
These are pre and post-op photos of a patient of Dr. Niessen’s. Her post-op photo was taken just 6 weeks post-op. She is absolutely thrilled with her result!
Many women come into our office with concerns about cellulite on their legs, or fat deposits which they cannot get rid of, no matter how much weight they lose. They may have previously tried over the counter products, which have left them feeling dissappointed. A very exciting procedure has hit the market! It’s called injection lipolysis or Lipodissolve. (more…)
Many women with breast implants have successfully breast fed their babies. Current studies indicate that women with breast implants , either silicone or saline implants, do not have any higher levels of silicone in their breast milk than women without breast implants. Breast implants can, however, interfere with the ability of some women to breast-feed. The peri-areola incision site is more likey to affect this ability.